Anyone else think the solution to the US's current political polarization issue and extremism going either direction is ranked voting?
I feel like our two party voting system doesn't allow for much variety in thought or policy, and I also believe it makes it much easier to manipulate a group of people when they only have 2 options.
Also another question, could there be bipartisan support for money not being a factor in whether someone gets elected or not? We give everyone the same amount of exposure only leave it up to their policy and who they are to win them the election?
And of course abolish the electoral college and lobbying.
Not to mention we should give candidate plenty of time to get their points across and debates let's be honest here there are no longer debates but shit throwing contests.
We also need better fact checking, cause goddamn.
How do both conservatives and Democrats feel about this? Would this be something we could come together on?