Marketplace thinking item is counterfeit when it’s not (repeatedly)

A few days ago an item I had listed was flagged as counterfeit (It’s not) and this is actually the second time that’s happened. Now every step of the listing process I’m being hit with this message. The first time it happened (last year) I appealed it a couple times and was denied. This time I appealed and it’s been several days but it still says in review. Any recourse that anybody knows of?

A few days ago an item I had listed was flagged as counterfeit (It’s not) and this is actually the second time that’s happened. Now every step of the listing process I’m being hit with this message. The first time it happened (last year) I appealed it a couple times and was denied. This time I appealed and it’s been several days but it still says in review. Any recourse that anybody knows of?