LC.Boards is most likely the biggest lie ever

Everyone knows how awfully bad their old decks were, not properly drilled, no countersinks, sometimes not even drilled at all, graphic not fully on the deck, etc. You name it.

Now that they have changed their Decks, people think that this company is a shit ton better than before, which I can understand on the first look, but calling Decks Handmade when they are ordered from a China Supplier hits different, People say spending more money than 5 bucks on a Quality Deck is a waste because this Company sells them for cheap. (I literally owned the exact same deck before, from Aliexpress, the same is Available on Alibaba as well)

Their "Real Wear" is a scam as well, which you can actually see on the first glimpse.

Sadly not even close to enough people know about how shit this company is. Their 94% positive on eBay is proof as well.

If you are considering buying a deck from them, don't.