If they ever remade FF8 would you basically want an upgraded copy paste of the OG or would you like to see ideas that had to be reworked and condensed expanded upon?
What I mean by that is that I haven't yet played the FF7 remakes, kinda waiting for all 3 to drop and then play it as a whole thing. But I'm aware that it's not a copy paste of the OG and a lot got expanded on. So when I think of what it might look like if 8 got the same treatment I think about how Laguna was the originally meant to be a second main character to Squall and he was meant to share almost as much screen time as Squall. And While FF8 is my favorite FF I wouldn't be mad if they revisited that idea and gave us something that looked more like their original intentions.
Personally I feel like the biggest thing that was holding back 8 was lack of disc space, I remember reading that there was a lot they had to either cut and condense and if you played the game as much as I have it really explains the “plot holes”. I wouldn't so much say there are plot holes as there are just poorly executed plot points. The whole forgetting that everyone knew everyone but lost the memories due to junctioning GF's is there for example, but the way it all comes together for such a major reveal feels rushed and comes without warning, a lot of people playing the game for the first time just kinda gave up on the story right then and there. Ultimicia being from the future is another “plot hole” that is foreshadowed just not very well. And when I think of how little of Luguna's side we get to see considering that his side of the story really lays a lot of the ground work for Squall's with his involvement in bringong an end to the sorceress war I would actually be really for them adding that back in. I feel like it would flesh out parts of the story that didn't get enough love and make the plot more cohesive.
I know a lot of people seem upset that FF7 wasn't basically a copy paste. I'm not sure how I feel about that. 7 didn't resonate with me the way 8 did, it's not my darling and I haven't played the remakes so I have yet to judge if the changes were really needed or worth it. But 7 is a different story from 8, and personally I feel like they made such an interesting cast and world that I think this is example of reworking the story I would be all for – provided they didn't do a shitty job obviously. I think expanding on what was in the OG 8 would be better received than the changes they made to 7, but what do you guys think?