My[33M] fiancee [34F] agreed to a kid though she doesn't want one

My fiancee is fantastic and we have a pretty great relationship. She never wanted kids but I did and eventually agreed to have one as long as I take on the primary parent responsibilities. She is willing to split the actual work in whatever proportion I need - she just does not want to take on the mental responsibility of making decisions and worrying about the child.

She has not wavered on her decision to have the kid in the last many months - so I am pretty certain she'll go through with it.

As the wedding date comes closer though, I have been freaking out.

1) What if she has the baby but then resents both me and the child. (I have brought this up with her and she has repeatedly assured me that's not going to happen)

2) Is this arrangement even workable? (Talked to her - she pointed out there are single parents out there, on our case she will be there for whatver I need)

3) I read online about how a lot of women have e children that they don't really want but end up falling completely in love with the child. Does this always happen? Is it crazy to assume/hope it will?

EDIT : She isn't saying she won't be emotionally connected to the child or simply hand me the child and say "here you go, let me know if you need something". What she is saying is that I take on the traditional mom role and she takes on the traditional dad role.