Pregnant and not sure what to do.

Forgive me if this isn't the right sub to post this in. I might also post this in r/relationships but I figured I would get some useful feedback here too.

My husband and I have been together for 8 years, 6 of them married. He's 35, I'm 34. I leaned more towards wanting kids when we got together and he was undecided. After we got married, when the topic came up, he said he did not want to have kids. It was a tough decision but I made a choice and chose to stay with him.

We use condoms as our method of birth control and it seems like we ended up in the unlucky 1% of people who manage to get pregnant while using a condom. I found out I was pregnant 4 weeks ago and I am now 12 weeks along.

The last 4 weeks have been bad. At first he accused me of cheating on him. I told him I did not. He refused to believe me but I insisted and offered a DNA test when the baby was born. At that point he got mad at the assumption that the baby will be born. He insisted that we abort the pregnancy. I told him that I'd be willing to consider that but that we should talk about it. He said there was nothing to talk about and that we agreed to not have kids. I said we agreed to not try and have kids but that was not a contract where I have to abort if I accidentally get pregnant. He said I'm an awful person for ruining his life and I said he's an awful person for not even entertaining this option when I was willing to forego having kids for him. Basically, we both did and said some hurtful things.

And now I'm stuck.

I don't know where go from here. I feel like my marriage is pretty badly damaged. If I want to fix it then I'm going to have to terminate this pregnancy, but why am I always the one making the sacrifices for our marriage? Then again, if I don't terminate the pregnancy, my marriage is done and I'm raising this kid alone. I could do that. I'm in a good place financially and career wise and I have a strong support network, but do I want to do that?

For the record, I am pro choice. I believe that women can and should have the right to terminate a pregnancy. I just have some personal moral and emotional hang ups on the issue. We've discussed abortion before and he knows my views on it but it was always an abstract discussion. "What do you think about abortion?" and not "what would we do if we got pregnant?"

editing to add that I'm sorry I have not replied sooner. I posted this here and on a couple of other subs yesterday. I got a lot of hateful responses and had to remove myself from Reddit for a bit. This was the only place that didn't turn hateful and thank you all for that.