Anybody else a fencesitter because they never found a partner they felt like having kids with?
This isn't anything against single parents at all, so please don't take it the wrong way. I personally don't feel like I could manage as a single parent and always thought I would eventually find a partner who I wanted to have kids with.but that just never happened. I'm in a long term relationship now and I'm at the age where I don't even know if I can conceive naturally at this point. My partner says there's never a right time and we should just do it but I don't feel he is a good partner to me even and that is without kids involved. I think he could be a good parent in ways but would leave alot to be desired in other areas. I would definitely be the primary parent and I am also the breadwinner currently. He works and pay bills but has not taken any initiative to increase his income since we have been together. A child would definitely cause some financial strain and we wouldhave to get on the same page about finances to make it work but he's really hippy dippy about such things and has a "we will figure it out" attitude versus me who wants to try to plan for things and pre plan. I just feel sad because I think in an ideal world if I found someone who I felt could support me in coparenting, then I would have kids. Obviously if I've been uncertain about this partner I could have ended things at any point but honestly work and other family stuff and life in general is so just so much and I've justbeen hanging around hoping things will get better (I know that's not likely). Anyway, there no time for me to find someone else before my fertility window closes so I am left with facing childlessness or deciding if I should just bite the bullet and have a kid with him. Yes, I have talked to him, and he knows 100% how I feel but he never changes (I don't necessarily feel he needs to chnage, we are just not compatible). Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone else is in a similar situation and how they handled it ?