Stress causing bleeding between periods?
Does anyone else experience this? I've looked up possible causes but I am not and never been on BC, I am not pregnant, didn't miscarry and didn't get an abortion, I don't have any STDs, I'm 24 so too young to be starting menopause (I hope, at least I don't have any of the other symptoms), I don't have any vaginal injuries, I don't think I have PCOS (the only symptom I have is acne and oily skin), and I don't think I have cancer or polyps. I've always been healthy and I am not on any medication and I don't have any known health issues nor injuries. I never had sex either. I'm fairly active physically.
Occasionally I get this weird bleeding between periods. I don't get any cramps or pain and this bleeding is very light. There are no strange smells or discharges. Most of the time it's not even enough to get on my underwear (it only shows on tp). The last time this happened I got scared and called a health hotline. They told me to have bloodwork done to see if I had anemia or something else but everything was fine. My mother told me she used to have this too when she was my age. The doctor said it was likely stress. Aside from feeling constantly stressed and anxious for many things going on in my life I can't do much about at the moment (but am working on it) I feel fine.
My periods have always been irregular. The most regular they've gotten in the past couple years is that one month i get a normal period (average bleeding) and the next it either doesn't show up or I get very little bleeding, or I get this weird inter-period bleeding that lasts until the next period, in which I get enough flow to see it on the pad (but it's always very little and brown-ish and clot-y) and then it sort of resets and goes back to normal.
Does anyone else have this? Have you found anything that helps?