Babies Father

Hi. My 8 month old babies father and I had a major fight yesterday that resulted in us breaking up. She is an exclusively breastfed baby. She does not take bottles or formula, and she has never been apart from me. She is also sick at the moment. He is demanding I release her to him tomorrow night overnight. A couple key things, he’s never had her by himself longer than two hours, he’s never ever woken up overnight with her. Do I have to let him take her? What are my options since I do not trust that he will bring her back the next morning.

Thank you.

***EDIT: I just want to say thank you to everyone who provided advice, anecdotes, feedback and even just encouragement. At the end of the day I just want to be able to continue to have contact with my child if her father ever removes her from my home. I realize that I forgot to mention in my original post and caused confusion, that he had threatened multiple times to take her and not return her. And that’s why I even made the post. I’m sorry for any confusion, I was anxious mess this morning and running on zero sleep with my sicky girl. I have a plan of action in place that will make sure we both get equal time and no one (me or her father) can withhold her after a visit.

Thank you all!