My mom has completely changed
my parents have always fought and my mom does most of the housework and work with us so she gets angry with my dad. Its fair enough but I’ve always been so sick of them fighting each-other in front of us
I wake up in the morning to my mum screaming bossing everyone and when I ask her to stop it’s “nooo someone has to fucking do it” rant
A little while ago my mom vaguely told us that their seperated. Just blurted it out when we were eating breakfast and said nothing else, so me and my younger brothers didn’t really acknowledge it.
In the past year or so I just feel like she cares less and less about me, things I tell her are forgotten in 10 minutes literally. when I try to ask her to listen to what I say she starts a “I do everything for you he doesn’t” rant
She’s getting more pissed off at us and just swears and yells cause she’s in a mood and we asked a simple question. I tried to signal her to answer the door cause someone was there and she was on the phone and she just goes “What do you fucking want?!!” I feel like she resents us she makes comments about wanting to go away and she doesn’t realise it fucking hurts.
She’s gotten 100x more involved with her appearance which is fine but she’s literally cutting bread out and making comments about being fat. She’s changed her style too, straightens her hair everyday and just acts more like a teen girl than I do.
I was annoyed with all of this the other day and she came into my room I just burst into tears I told her how I was feeling but she didn’t hear me at all. She hugged me and was like I don’t wanna see you sad but then when I told her how SHE was upsetting me she just started the “I do everything for you he doesn’t but you all love him” rant
This morning alone she woke me up, (I have a bad stomach bug and she “doesn’t do stomach bugs”which is fine. I’ve done most of it myself), but she knows how sick I’ve been and this morning she woke me up pissed off and was like why are u not going to school and was asking me to get up so she could make the couch and when I was like why cause I was finally comfortable she threw the pillows and blankets on the couch annoyed.
Then she said I’ve go to get out of this shit hole and is going to call her friend to meet up, starting bending her knees in the air and when my little brother asked what she’s doing “getting rid of thigh fat”
I don’t know how this woman is but I don’t like her and I miss my mum.