i gotta be honest...

i most probably will get downvoted for this, but yall nitpich ea for the stupidest reasons ever, i can get yall dont like some stuff abt ea but this is going too far. yall would cry bc you didnt get a 107 from a 99+ pack. yall could come and say too me and say im an "ea employee" at least im employed unlike yall cry-babies who cry bc of a GAME, im not saying that ea is perfect, it DEFINITELY has some bad stuff abt the gameplay and stuff, but like i said yall take it too far. another thing i wanna point out is that yall don't appreciate someone for packing smth good bc youre jealous, yall would get pissed off and start crying in the comment section as if showing your pack luck and being happy is wrong,then in that case why is there a "pack luck" flair? exactly, mods really need to take care of this bc some of these ppl are getting out of hand. and im not saying that EVERYONE acts like this, but to the ppl who do this, yall should get a life.