Advice on gaining weight!!

It feels ridiculous to say I’m bulking because it doesn’t show at all, so I’m asking for any tips people have on this. I’ve been super underweight my whole life, to the point where people constantly accuse me of having an eating disorder and I’ve tried everything to put on weight but it’s really difficult for me.

That being said, I do struggle with my appetite. I know the calories/protein I should be getting, but I’m looking for advice on the MOST protein/caloric heavy things I can be putting in my body. Any protein powder recs or general tips surrounding that would be great.

I really want to build up my chest/back to broaden my shoulders. Even cis guys who are as skinny as I am have a different shape to their torso. I know I’ll prob never be a bulky guy, but I at least want to build up enough muscle in that area to look more masculine. For people with similar goals, what’s your regimen? What muscle groups should I be targeting? I hate going to the gym bc of my weight/weight distribution, so I’m working at home with 2 dumbbells.