Myth about FL daw saunding mofe fat than other Daws (especially for drum sounds )

Hi there is thi debate about FL daw soinding fatter than others Logic,Ableton ect... As It was proven many times that the daws itself the sound similar (i've chceked myself and if i insert a drum sample to the arrengmet window itsef they sound the same in any daw including FL) but there is different story when you load the drum sample in to the step sequencer in FL the samples sound fatter does anyone here have knowledge what kind of sound processing is happening in the step sequencer itself? So to demistify daws are the same but the plugins are different even if i load a step sequencer in Logic the same drum sample from the ultrabeat will sound different to the same sample beeing insterted just to the audio track in the arangment window. Anybody here know what is processing the sound in the step sequencer in FL ??? Ultrabeat has this visible on the get go the sounds are amplified in Ultrabeat