Gilgamesh Island Rant
I enjoyed this game mostly but it feels like it wants to desperately break every casual player. So after literal HOURS of collecting his ugly-ass armor he just snatches it away like the snitch-ass manwhore he is and says he wants to test me by using the summons I HAD TO ACQUIRE in the first place? Bruh. I'm so done with this. Like I did all of this scavenger hunting to get a reward and not a punishment. The only test he's gonna pass to me is his STI tests cause no one wants to touch this dumbass with a ten foot pole.
If I knew I had to first finish the game (which I didn't even do yet) to then come back to be able to solve this? What is the point? I'll stick my skill issue up my ass now and go outside to throw beer cans at pigeons to get rid of this anger.
Thanks for listening to this rant lol.