Hello, the FBI series looks awesome
Well, I like the series a lot, haven't watched the rest of them, i am trying to finish the FBI 2018 one. I just wanted to share my thoughts. I am on S4 Episode 3 and it's great. But i wanted to talk about some of the characters. I feel that Dana Mosier was the brain in there. She was able to organise people and manage them without huge problems (if i recall right). She was also able to think why someone follows a specific way of doing things and actually talk about that straight without controversy. Having huge help from Jubal Valentine of course. Then Isobel Castille come. Things start to feel strange in the office. Gladly Jubal is still there to help and maybe now with a more important role. Slowly but steady Isobel starts to "join" the rest of the group. Becoming more like Dana (not the same though). And then, all of a sudden Rina Trenholm jumps in. Start to push Isobel (about who is the Alpha of the office i guess) and then Isobel start to push the other guys. Meanwhile she has that relationship with Jubal and this makes the things even more cold since, many times Jubal was there to talk and support others, now he backs off when Rina is involved. My point is, Scola ("Call me Stuart") is the chill and calm guy in there, the whole rest have their up and downs as normal. But the only one that has to back off and abandon friends and push his morale aside is Omar. Like, he even tries to help the rest, talking to them and being there. But when something happens to him ? No he has to put some friends in jail after have use them as informers even if he is well aware of the circumstances and he even talked about that.
Don't get me wrong. I am on S4 E3 so I don't know what comes next. I just wanted to talk about my thoughts at this point, sorry for the huge text, also i am new to Reddit, never posted before so hopefully I am done this right. And no i am not disagree with the Producer-Writer. Just expressing my thoughts.
P.S : I hope some of the rest of the crew can appear again in the next episodes/seasons like Kristen Chazal, Emily Ryder and more. Of course Dana too. Everyone doing great on that show!!!