Is this a fair ban? Ticket #7860596

Dear fellow gamers and FACEIT Admins,

I just want to share and get your opinion on the controversial situation I have experienced. This Monday I was banned (for the first time since joining the platform in Dec 2015) for ghosting. It was a big surprise for me because I never ghost or troll the games. The game I was banned for started a bit harsh, and my teammates were a bit tilted from the beginning. I tried my best to get a win, even finished with 78.9 ADR(it’s okay when you lose 13:3), while the rest of the team only had about 45 each. One of my teammates barely (or even didn’t, I can’t really tell now) communicated with the team and played his/her own game. He/she started to act even weirder at the start of 14th round, where he/she would shift from the beginning of the round. Next round, when he/she was last man standing, he/she didn't try to have a clutch or some kills, he/she just threw away his AK and glock, and started shifting with his knife around the map. Tired of his/her childish toxicity, me and my teammate decided to let enemy team know where he/she was shifting, in order not to waste anyone's time. He/she was clearly not trying to attempt a clutch or save or anything that you would normally do when you don’t ghost.

So, basically I got a ban for ghosting because I didn’t want to tolerate or welcome ghosting of my teammate and didn’t want to waste my time on it.

Overall, after contacting support team, admin decided to uphold my ban and didn’t mention anything about the punishment of my teammate. Do you think it was a fair judgement?