Did they tell you stories of miracles?

I grew up with all kinds of miracle stories.

A story could go like this: I young girl was leaving her workplace late one night and a gang of men attacked her. She managed to enter her car and locked the doors, but the car wouldn’t start. She prayed and immediately the engine started. She managed to escape.

When she got home her dad wanted to take a look at the car and discovered to his astonishment the vehicle had no battery. It was a miracle. Praise the Lord.

Nobody ever asked where the battery went or how it could have been removed. That’s not the point, don’t you see? God can start engines without batteries for those who have faith.

Another story was about the rich man who loved God. He announced a reward of one million dollars to whoever could find fault in scripture. The story always ended with the words; to this day nobody has claimed the money. Many who tried found God and became a Christian.

There was also the claim that they’ve found a widening crack in Mount Megiddo, which signifies the coming Battle of Armageddon. Every day the crack is widening. The end is near. Be ready.

Of cores we now know Mount Megiddo is not a mountain at all, it’s a tell, meaning it’s just a huge pile of rubble from a long string of towns, built atop each other. So you won’t find any cracks across the rubble.

Just a few weeks ago a Christian friend was telling me a story. It was a Muslim who met Jesus and became a Christian. He went to his old Mosque to bear witness, but they beat him up badly, poked out his eyes and left him in a dumpster. But the Lord healed him and gave him new eyes. The next day he went back to the mosque - such a brave men - and behold, the entire group fell to their knees. A story like that’s gotta be true.

I asked my friend where I could look up the story and find this Jesus-mosque. He couldn’t say, just “one of those Muslim countries down there - Iran, Syria, Lebanon or Egypt” I asked him where he heard the story, so I could follow up and read more about it. He heard it from a friend who had been to a small church where a visiting preacher had told it. No names, no place, no timeframe nothing, because THAT’S NOT THE POINT. It’s the MIRACLE!!

A different preacher was working his way through a list of reasons to believe. His next point was the strange fact that today, when Jews resettle in Israel they seem to adapt the ancient dialects from the area they settle.

Another miracle. God is giving new settlers ancient dialects depending on where in Israel they end up. Wow, that’s quite a claim. I had to look it up. Surely this would have been studied or written about in Israel. I can’t say I was very surprised to find ….. NOTHING. My next question would be; how the h*** would they know what the different accents sounded like, two thousand years ago?

As a child I used to believe stories like these. They were told by family or other people I trusted. As I grew older I realized they simply can’t be true. Not one of them checks out. Why do stories like these spread like wildfire? Why do Christians not research and fact-check? God thoroughly instructed them not to bear false witness, and yet they seem to do exactly that, all the time. Why?

Where you told stories like these?