Lately I've just been thinking about death and the end of the universe
I've been feeling a lot of existential dread lately because well I'm going through a changing part of my life because I'm going to Uni and turning 18 soon which is crazy to me because I didn't expect it to come this quickly then I've just been thinking about the future and when I die.
And like I get it enjoy your life and all but I can't help but just thinking about it and it doesn't help knowing that at the end the universe will just die and become an empty abyss before I'd think about getting reincarnated in another conscious being on another planet or in the same planet but knowing that the universe just ends means that at some point I wont be able to reincarnate anymore. Like I know how to deal with the sun dying we just move to another planet and so my consciousness will move to that other planet but when life dies and the universe ends where does it go?
I like the idea of Roger Penrose's theory of CCC meaning that the universe is infinite and basically is ever scaling and ever rebirthing itself but even still there isn't much evidence to support its legitimacy.
So why am I obsessed about being reincarnated? Well, its because I like the idea of life and living it again going through childhood learning things and just doing it over and over again and just re-experiencing life. Like you don't know anything about your past life but you experience life again and again and its not the same life again but just you experiencing life again (if you get what I mean) idk I just find it comforting.
However, knowing that after death there may be nothingness for all eternity idk I cant live with that and I cant live without having answers to what happens after death because we just don't know and I've all ways comforted myself by basically telling myself that this isn't real or that I can do this and that to change something I'm not happy about and usually I'll have facts to support it but when it comes to death I Just can't bear it because there is no answers and the answers are infinite and almost all of them contradict each other
Tbh now I just want to forget about it and move on and continue to be happy but I just can't help but think about it heck I could be just watching a cartoon and like someone comically dies in the cartoon even though in the next episode they'll be alive all I can think about is just death and the end of the universe honestly I'm sick of it and all I want to do is move on and get some help.
So I guess all I want right now is just someone to comfort me and heck maybe show their theories of what happens after death or something. I just want to feel better now.
I posted this in another reddit but I'll also post it here just in case there isn't much help from the first place I posted this.