Debating stopping

I’ve been exclusively pumping for 6 weeks. It’s really taking a toll on my mental health. My day consists of feeding my son, changing his diaper, playing with him, putting him down for a nap, pumping, rinse repeat. I use wearables which helps, but they are still awkward to maneuver around in. I find feeding with them on very challenging, especially if I need to burp him. Trying to hold him while wearing my pumps doesn’t work either. He is only napping for 45 minutes - 1 hour stretches, so by the time I’m done pumping during his nap, he’s up again.

I go back and forth daily about stopping. I know the benefits of breast milk versus formula, which is really the only thing keeping me going. I feel like I don’t have time to eat, stay hydrated, use the bathroom, or make time for my partner in between everything else. My partner is incredibly helpful when he is home, but when he is working I am the sole care taker.

At what point does the convenience of formula outweigh the benefits of pumping? I feel selfish to my son for stopping due to my own reasons, but I’m not sure how much longer I can keep doing this.