Transitioning from Nursing to Pumping
This might be the wrong tag IDK
I hate nursing, like hate hate hate it. My son is 5 weeks old and is tounge tied, so nursing was a journey for a while anyways. We finally figured it out around week 3 and with the help of a LC. However, we started supplementing with formula around day 4 since he was losing to much weight and have continued since because I don't produce enough for him. I produce something like 2-3ozs in a sitting and he needs 4-6 ozs in a sitting.
This week has been torture. Idk what happened but whatever rhythm we found has been lost and he and I are getting frustrated with nursing. I know part of it is the tounge tye, which will get fixed in 2 weeks, which will also be fun (hard).
Honestly at this point I'd rather just transition to pumping and him bottle feeding 100%, especially if we have to relearn all over again when we fix the tounge tye issue.
So I'm looking for people's experiences on transitioning from one to the other and how to do it smartly? Just fyi I currently pump after some of my nursing sessions to get an idea of how much breastmilk he actually got, so I know how to pump.