What to expect at the hospital?

I’m almost due with my second baby! My first was an… experience to say the least. I went with every intention to bf and when she didn’t latch, the nurses gave me formula and we went on our way. They gave me pumping supplies to stimulate milk but I didn’t even realize that exclusively pumping was an option. I remember being asked “Are you breastfeeding or bottle-feeding?” I know now that I want to pump but don’t want to be given formula right away (unless it’s needed of course). I have no clue what to expect if there’s not a lactation consultant coming in every hour to get the baby to latch, what happens? I still feel like a new mom (oldest will be 10 months soon) and learning to advocate for myself better. This hospital is considered an Official Baby Friendly Hospital (still learning what that means) if that matters to what your experience was. What can I expect when I say I want to exclusively pump? I’m worried I’ll have to argue my point.