My supply tanked after surgery

I was just on here the other day talking about having to dump my milk, but as the title says, my supply tanked after surgery. I’m also only 4w post c section so my body hasn’t fully healed from that yet. Surgery was a laparoscopic appendectomy (appendicitis is horrendous btw, it was leaps and bounds more painful than all of pregnancy and my c section recovery lol).

We are currently supplementing with formula until my boobs decide to perform again 🙃

Things I had:

  • Dilaudid
  • Zofran
  • Tylenol
  • Toradol
  • General anesthesia
  • Zosyn

Now I’m taking gabapentin for pain, augmentin for an antibiotic (generic), and zofran as needed for nausea (which I haven’t taken yet).

I don’t want any judgmental comments please, I’m already having a hard time physically with this, and mentally and emotionally I’m struggling because I can barely hold my 1 month old for 10 minutes without wanting to cry because my entire abdomen is sore.

I do want to hear weird things that worked for you to increase supply. I know the 8x a day stuff, I know the power pumping stuff. I want to hear about food, drinks, etc. that oddly worked for you🙏🏼

Thank you!!!