crazy ex finally blocked me and left me alone

...and now he's posting about me on r/vent talking about how horrible i am and how he blocked me for his own mental health. Lol

anyways, the relationship was suffocating as fuck and i'm glad he's out of my life. He:

1) pressured me into moving to Switzerland this February (we met 2 weeks ago) and living with him for the rest of my life (that meant dropping out of school, ditching my friends and family completely) and when i said i wanted to take things slow he acted as if i had just told him to kill himself 2) split on me because i didn't send him a photo of my smile in the morning before leaving for school... it was funny as fuck because I simply said hi and came back home to like 20 messages of him being mad and saying he's disappointed in me 3) made me give him access into my discord account and then said he felt disrespected when i hesitated ... we agreed to being open with eachother but when i said open i didn't mean a complete fucking breach of my privacy. anyways that was one thing but then he proceeded to unblock an ex i had blocked on there and messaged him despite me barely managing to move on from that same guy, and he did this without asking and tried to victimise himself after 4) made me send nudes whether I wanted it or not and most of our conversations were purely sexual on his part (and he got mad when i didn't wanna help him get off lol) 5) wanted me to not have a social life at all and got upset whenever i would mention my friends

mind you this dude is known for having a bad history with women (he said he's been with like 10 of them and none has ever stuck) and after splitting on me because i didn't send a photo of my smile in the morning, he spammed me saying he loves me and how he still wants to be a part of my life even if it meant being just friends - i said we should just be friends for now and take things slow and we both agreed to being friends... upon which he then tried to force me into being his girlfriend and when I said no he blocked me and is now telling people i'm horrible. i guess this is what happens when you make the slightest mistake around someone who victimises the shit out of themselves BUUUUT i'm glad that guy is gone