How do you distract yourself?

This breakup has been particularly hard on me. We were best friends before it turned into anything more so it’s like I lost a best friend as well. On top of that, I was laid off in June, the second time in less than a year, and only JUST found a new job (I start on Monday). As a result, I have been rotting on my couch day in and day out, feeling like I have no purpose in life, and having lost my boyfriend and best friend.

I’m tired of rotting but it’s like my body has been in freeze/panic mode for weeks and I just lay here ruminating and doom scrolling on social media. How have you guys managed to distract yourself?


We broke up about a month ago and have texted sporadically since. No contact for a few days now after I told him I couldn’t do this anymore. Our ‘conversations’ never went anywhere and he wouldn’t give me honesty, transparency, or closure.