Best way to shoot something for satisfaction?

I am a newbro with 22m SP and very little Eve experience.

I really want to shoot something just for the feeling of it. Where can I go and which ship can I use (can fly Gila well and some Caldari Cruisers, could potentially fly a Tengu too) to get some easy kills?

I tried FW for a few hour so far but I am getting mostly farmed by more experienced players, so I need a little "look what I can do"-boost to feel good. Of course I do not want to risk billions to shoot a 5m T1 frigate, but I would not mind to spend something from 500m to 1b on that "feeling".

Maybe I just scan down a relic site in a WH and wait in a cloaked Tengu for an Astero or Buzzard to show up? Or am I looking to wait for multiple hours in that case?