Well, it's been fun
So, CCP just basically:
- - killed off all travel filaments, not just pochven but also needlejacks.
- - buffed the five nullbear miners and their alt fleets that weren't mining out their anoms even before this
- - introduced a PI feature while making it useless for my 14 PI alts (who waits for cycles to finish lol).
- - dropped the worth of my battleships and dreads by 15 bil.
- - increased sales tax (ok, we all knew that would come at some point)
- - increased industry job cost again (through higher EIVs)
- - made my interceptors slower
- + Oh, but hey, i could now put cynos on my HICs. Which are all located in a space where you can't cyno.
Time to not let the door hit me on the way out after four years.
Mike, you have a contract.