The march 12th announced ansiblex changes

The announced changes to Ansiblexes comming on the Revenant major update March 12th

  • The modelsize of ansiblexes will be decreased
  • This makes it so bubbles can cover larger portions of the gate and easier to point someone after they go through an ansi as they're closer to the center

  • Bubbles (HICs and dictors), disruptors and scrams will prevent you from taking the ansi.

  • If your ship have enough warpcore strength or is nullified and could theoretically warp off, it can still take the ansi

  • Damage cap of ansiblexes will be removed

  • EHP of ansiblexes will be increased in response (said about 2x more EHP somewhere)

  • Ansiblexes now needs to be manually repaired, just like metenox moon drills

  • Ansiblexes can no longer be anchored within 100,000km of a stargate (already anchored are grandfathered in)

No numbers released so far, patch notes comming DT on March 12th

Sources: CCP dev in The Official EVE Online discord, #nullsec text channel.


Force projection needs a rework for sure, but this goes in the opposite direction imo. It makes everyday life in null so much worse(yeah grrr the nullbears) while not affecting general force projection. Ansis will become perma-camped throughout nullsec and will be the most dangerous points in your route. A single dictor bubble will make you unable to take the ansi.

The easiest camp will now probably look something like this: 1x dictor cloaked 2km off the ansi, when the target enters system and sees the ansi is clear, he initiates and enters warp. Right when he is about to land on ansi, dictor decloaks and bubbles him. Target is now in the middle of a dictor bubble and at 0 on the ansi, but unable to take it. Kill target, Profit!

2nd big indirect buff, bomber wings: A large fleet is traversing their own space, when the entire fleet lands on the ansi at 0, a cloaked dictor can decloack bubble the entire fleet, bombers now have the most perfect opportunity to bomb the entire fleet. 256 man fleet all together at 0 on the ansi, 35+ bombers killing the entire fleet as taking the ansi is no longer an option.

Any thoughts?