The game is weirdly complex and simple at the same time
I am not sure about my feelings overall. Eve is difficult to get into but then again if for example you start off with exploration all you do is basically play two mini games,:scanning and hacking, out of which scanning is not even really game. So you do the same stuff for hours.
Also the fights seem to mostly be decided before they even start. The actual piloting skills matter to some degree but then again not so much. Often you orbit something while having your guns running. Knowledge of what works and what does not is the important thing mostly.
You do not need high APM and you do not need many keybinds. In that way it is actually perfect for older gentlepeople.
To be fair, I have not tried most of the game so far but I saw some videos on a bit more than I did myself.
What I did quite a lot so far were Abyssals which are considered challenging PVE stuff but even there, once you learn the important things, which are honestly not a lot, you can do them relatively easily. In some rooms you can just approach and orbit the gate because stuff cannot kill you. Yes, Karen with many entanglers and neuts and weird and many clouds can be difficult but it is nowhere near the difficulty of medium hi M+ or Raids in WoW for example. I did and still do regularly but it is mostly related to my mind wandering off or forgetting things, like turning off the overheat or so (besides about 20 packrats I forgot so far inside Abyssals).
So I have this mix of "omg, what is this, I never did this, I don't know what I have to do" to "oh ok, so this is all?"
For example I never participated in a fleet but somebody told me it is mostly just pressing F1 (if you use default keybinds).
Also: What is the endgame? It seems that some big nullblocks (of which I am part of since a few days) just meet for an hour after work to bash each others head's in? Like hooligans meeting outside the city after a soccer match.
I get it, it is a sandbox game where you can "do anything you want", but is that so? I am going through ups and downs of emotions with this game and I am just in my 3rd month of it. I suspect my endgame will be small gang or solo PVP in the long run. We will see.
I read the best ship is friendship and the game is only fun with other people but my results with that were also mixed so far. Some people bring politics into the game it seems, which usually leads to bad blood. Unfortunately I could not convince any real life friends to start on this adventure.