My kid sees and talks to the dead, and
I found this sub by happenstance, and after reading it, I wanted to add some information in. I'm not going to try and sum up my opinion on everything I read, I find it extremely interesting and I think some of it may be true. I know I'm at a place where I'm so so tired of suffering, and reincarnation sounds like hell. But let me just relay what she has said, take it as a point of information or don't, I don't really care. I've largely stopped telling people because they think she/I/we are crazy. Either that or they're religious and think she's gifted. I can tell you she's had extremely little exposure to religion, and society, and our culture... I'm a SAHM, She was 2yo when covid hit and we quarantined for two years, she's homeschooled, I'm aware of all of the media she ingests, we're together 24/7 ever since her dad died two years ago, she started sleeping with me. So I know what she's watching,We're culturally Jewish and I've observed some of our holidays in a heritage way moreso than a religious way. I do believe in God, I have talked about God around her but not at her, it's not something I believe in pushing. I think that covers the foreground I'll just go into what might match or doesn't match and make what you will...
She says when we did we have two choices -- stay in heaven with God, or be reincarnated. If we get to heaven. There's ghosts who are trapped here in the medium place, their souls are still tethered to their bodies, but they have the ability to ascend post death should their souls do some work. There are also "fighting ghosts" that "come from hell." I'm assuming she's talking about demons, this is how little exposure she's had, she doesn't even know the term. I never raised her to believe in hell, I didn't believe in hell. Hell is deep inside of the earth, red, and hot. I said like Disenchantment? (Cartoon we watch) She said "No. Not like that." She was extremely serious after getting really scared of an encounter. She said "Mom, I need to tell you some real talk," and then laid all that out.
Our pets go to heaven and wait there for us. A dog I lost came to visit and not only did she say it was there, but my existing pets were interacting with it. Weird shit. Not the only time my pets saw and interacted with something invisible. There were a couple incidents w evil entities that came and my dog tried to attack thin air. Yeah. Say whatever you want until you experience this shit lol. She says God sends loved ones in heaven down here to be with their loved ones trapped on earth, like prison visits. Only at night, ghosts can't come out in the daytime, only angels (angels of light) can. They all prefer the darkness though. She makes me leave the lights on, and after this shit? Same, girl, same. There's no food in heaven. This fact really freaked her out, like mental breakdown level freaked out. She was bawling crying in the backseat when she was 5yo about God starving us up there??? That's when I started to suspect how heavenly is heaven. She did say they can eat our foods, but that you can only come down here if there's family here. I think it's quite literally "an earthly pleasure." Sometimes we leave plates of food as offerings to the dead, like the buddhist shrines. Ironically, I'm friends with the local Thai restaurant, we lost a mutual friend to suicide, 6mo later the owner came and told me he came to her in a dream saying he was starving.
Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) I was driving and doing some mental reflection on my moral inventory of the past year, and I was actually being brutal on myself, so I asked God (in my mind) "How much of this stuff I should apply, and how much am I being too hard on myself" -- when she answered aloud "God says he wants you to listen to the universe" 👀👀👀 OK GOD, creepy but noted.
I'm trying to think of anything else that's notable. Oh, people I lost to suicide and overdose, when she told me they come to see me I asked if they're ghosts or angels and she said they're angels, so suicide isn't such a big sin like some people believe. She says whenever you miss someone god sends them down here ASAP. She'll ask me "are you missing so and so" I'll say yeah actually, and she says cuz they just showed up. Her dad died the day before my back surgery two years ago and I asked her if he was with me during my surgery, she said no there were too many lights. She's never seen a surgical room. She says he still sleeps next to me at night, she says he can enter my body and manipulate it, she says they can play with electronics and lights. She was pleasantly surprised when she announced her dad can play Roblox with her.
They really like to play with the lights, that's been the most pervasive thing everywhere we've lived, starting before she could talk. Our lightbulbs blink, flicker, strobe and turn colors. We've had guests see dead people in our home as well. Among lost loved ones, we're also hosts to a mixed race angel -ghost family. Mom and kids in heaven, dad trapped on earth for the first while, but eventually ascended. Started off sounding like a fighting married couple. Feet stomping, doors slamming, doors locking on themselves. Her dad and I were texting each other like "you mad?" From the other floor and we'd be like huh? They can't go where they aren't wanted, and apparently we were "less scared" than our neighbors when we ended up with these folks. She says the parents taught their oldest son how to speak Spanish by speaking Spanish around him, but they didn't do it with the other three kids so they only speak English. She tried to tell me their names but she couldn't pronounce them, youngest daughter is Gracita something something something something Correa. Like a string of Spanish last names. I would think if she was making this up, she would use names she could pronounce. Furthermore, I love her, but outside of this she's the least imaginative kid you've ever met. Her teddy bear is named teddy and her Barbie doll is named Barbie. She's a semi non verbal autistic child, and this has all been quite the trip. OH, one last thing -- on Easter last year, she said an angel came to her and told her Easter was about the day that God died. And he died for us. I can tell you, there was no way she could have known what day it was. We don't even celebrate, we observe Passover and we homeschool, and could she have possibly heard the story of Jesus from someone at some point? Of course, but who says it like that? Nobody says it's about the day that God died, they say it's about the day Jesus died. Weird shit had me questioning my whole belief system lol. Does this mean she isn't Jewish anymore ? Lol. After reading this sub I have even more questions about the entities she can see and talk to, but who knows.
I'll try to reply to any questions, please don't be an asshole. If I sound like I believe what she says, it's really hard not to wonder when this is actively happening to you, especially when she's not the only one experiencing inexplicable happenings. It was me, her dad, guests, pets... Altogether, really hard not to think something of it.