Too Many Player Scavs? [Discussion]

I am making this post because I just played a scav raid on Reserve with like 25 player scavs. I loaded in and immediately I am lagging like I have never lagged before. I see 5 player scavs run by me. I follow them through white knight, picking up another 3 player scavs. Then by the time we get to black knight, I could not count or keep track of how many player scavs there were. We were all crackin jokes about how many of us there were and we were all complaining about the lag. Eventually it turned into a Trouble in Terrorist Town situation with people taking pot shots and hiding in the crowd, but that's not the issue lol.

I hope this isn't an intentional change and just a bug, but I am confused how this could even happen. Has anyone else had this happen before? Just a massive amount of player scavs accompanied by a monumental amount of lag? Has this been an issue before or is this something new? I wish I recorded the whole thing because it was honestly an hilarious experience.