[Bug] Have you guys ever gotten stuck inside of the firetruck behind the East wing of the resort at shoreline? I just got stuck in there 2 raids in a row trying to climb up. I never had this issue before today
I am not sure if it is new with patch 15 or if it is PVE specific or both, but I always climb up that firetruck when I come up from the East side, but today I got stuck twice in a ROW. The first time I alt+f4'd and the second time i was determined to get unstuck because I had completed a quest objective and realized I would rather die than reset the raid and keep my kit lol. However a scav walked up and managed to shoot me through the truck after getting an inch away from me and killed me.
Have you guys ever had this happen? I was able to crouch and go prone and move around and in some positions i could get my gun to point out and i could shoot but Idk if it was possible for me to escape or if I was just fucked. Regardless I am not taking that way in until I hear about it being fixed or I know how to avoid/get out
btw sorry I dont have any screenshot or video of it, I dont record my gameplay and I was only focused on getting out so no screenshot either. Panic mode