RANT: New audio has ruined any form of tactical playstyle

I just got fully dunked by a kobe grenade by a duo pushing chalet from the main road. I was up on the rocks and saw them cross the road <100m away. I repositioned to get an angle on them as they pushed chalet but thanks to the new audio, the two guys heard me and threw a hail mary which landed right at my feet. Sure the grenade was partly down to a good presumption for where I could be but the fact that they heard me from so far away is ridiculous.

Every engagement is now either rush as fast as you can because they're going to hear you anyway so might as well get the first shots off. Or sit and hope you got lucky with your positioning.

As a solo player this has completely changed how the game needs to be played as you can no longer rely on shooting and scooting to keep the enemy guessing where you are because they can hear you unless you completeley disengage and retreat.

I don't think that there is any issue with removing silent crouching. But for the love of god how hard is it to make audio increase in a fair gradiant so that some form of slow movement is still viable.

Rant over.