Let's Hear It - Propose A Genuine Solution To Combat Cheaters
Hey, all!
I was having a conversation with my friend about how cheating is running rampant in EFT. I found myself getting all worked up at BSG and how it seems like the developers aren't doing anything to decrease the amount of cheaters.
Let's hear it:
Give me a genuine solution to combat cheaters, if you can't think of one, try to - let's stay hopeful, withhold the pessimism. Should BSG switch anti cheats? Maybe we, as a community, boycott EFT for a bit until some changes are actually made?
and the question about the anti cheat is more so directed at the people who have a fait bit of knowledge about game development, software engineering, anything related to that kind of software development.
Let's have a hopeful discourse about how cheating could be decreased.
Thank you for your time!