2 year old’s had a ‘funny episode’ hospital don’t seem to know what it was? uk

my son wasn’t feeling well last night vomiting and having tummy pains so we put him to bed but when he woke up in the middle of the night trying to vomit things got worse.

i was holding him sat on the floor trying to comfort him and hold a bucket for him he was thrashing about in my arms distressed and then he suddenly just writhed out of my arms on to the floor and immediately changed.

the second he touched the floor his eyes started to roll back with his eyelids open not moving and we couldn’t get him to respond to us at all. we didn’t pick him up we just tried to get him to look at us, touching him etc but no response. this lasted about 30 seconds we called an ambulance he came round while i was on the phone lifted himself up slightly cried out one weak high pitched wail and then collapsed back down (not heavily) his eyes rolled back in his head again still not responding. about 1 minute in to this his pupils started to come back down for a second he moved and waved his hand across my knee in a strange spacey manner and then his eyes rolled back fully up unresponsive again.

he came around when the paramedics arrived but was staring in to space and when he looked at me it was like he was looking through me. in the ambulance he started to go back to his normal self and then fell asleep.

the hospital couldnt decide if he was just sleepy and behaving strangely from the stress of illness and waking up in the middle of the night (he had been awake at least 15 minutes before the episode) or if he had a seizure so because his observations were ok and he was behaving like himself again they sent us home told us to let him rest and if it happens again when he isnt tired then theyll investigate.

from looking online it sounds like he had an atonic seizure but the hospital just wasnt concerned. only one of the paramedics was. its like they thought i didnt know the difference between my child falling asleep and behaving incredibly strangely.

any advice on where we go from here? is the hospital right that this sounds like nothing?