Ravi skin is just...

Bro is beautiful, handsome, pretty, elegant, breathtaking, gorgeous, attractive, charming, heavenly, stunning, exquisite, cute, magnificent, divine, alluring, pleasing, lovely, delightful, appealing, engaging, winsome, ravishing, gorgeous, glamorous, irresistible, bewitching, beguiling, graceful, elegant, exquisite, aesthetic, magnificent, hot, sexy, foxy, tasty, divine, beddable, pulchritudinous, dazzling, fascinating, fine, good looking, graceful, grand, splendid, superb, wonderful, sublime, statuesque, ravishing, radiant, ideal, nice, excellent, enticing, classy, admirable, fancy, angelic, beauteous, luscious, fetching, adoring, adorable, scrunkly, embellishing, flawless, perfect, personable, desirable, seductive, snazzy, striking, showstopping, glossy, eye catching, fabulous, prime, top notch, sensational, premium, tempting, magnetic, captivating, prepossessing, bright, my light, curvaceous, dollish, tantalizing, enchanting, pleasant, flamboyant, glorious, spectacular, fantastic, dandy, hunky, jaw dropping, droolable, rapturous, blissful, sumptuous, luxurious, palatial, swanky, extravagant, extraordinary, out of this world, well formed and refined. And breedable