For SO doms:
i read a post on this subreddit explaining the social instinct, especially of the 7. this was the post for reference.
i wonder who are the people in ur life you enjoy making happy? is it anyone around you? anyone ure hanging out with or basically any group ure a part of, no matter how many people there are in that group or how much you know them personally? or is it especially just the people u are close to? like close family/friends?
i feel like for me personally, i never had big groups so my focus was usually on the select few people. i was unhappy when they were unhappy and tried to make them happy so that i could be happy again–basically what the post is describing down to a T. what ive noticed is that the closer i am to a person, the more effect it has on me. it's harder to ignore it and just brush off or move on. so if someone like my mom is bothered about something, and i see it on her face, i'll be most depressed and more desperate to reverse that mood back to happy.
is it different/same for the other SO doms? ik "making people happy" is more of a 7 core thing, but even still id just like to know the "target" group for other social types basically.