Feeling pretty discouraged after my neg exploratory lap procedure yesterday. 22/F
After months of being back and forth and gaslighting myself into thinking my pain wasn’t significant enough or real, I had enough decided with my OBGYN a few weeks ago to do a diagnostic laparoscopy. I had the procedure done yesterday, and beforehand my doctor told me he felt like there was a 75%-80% chance he’d find the endometriosis and would be surprised if he didn’t, due to my symptoms and the fact my mom has a history of endometriosis and needed excisions in order to have me. I woke up in PACU to only 2 incisions, and I didn’t get to talk to my doctor after the surgery as it had been pushed to 5pm in the evening. When I got to the post op room I asked my boyfriend about if they got it, and both him and my parents explained to me that my doctor didn’t find any endometrial lesions. I cried for so long. Now I’m just sore and in pain and feeling so discouraged. HOW could this be possible? EVERYTHING points to endometriosis.