Unpopular opinion: Building a park over downtown I10 is not a good idea
A while back I criticized the idea and got alot of negative feedback but I cant help but double down when I think about it.
Building a park on top of I10...ok...how is that a good idea.
A new nice park..fantastic idea, revitalizing an area with more businesses...great. But putting in the engineering effort, the time, the construction costs, the impact to traffic below at a vital point where people frequently commute to work, to UTEP, and not to mention all the semis that pass there.
Construction is not quick around here....how long did "La Nube" take to be constructed, Im not sure but I do recall I was expecting to be able to take my now adult kids to it when it was proposed. Another example, look at the progress on I10 from red road to transmountain...image that but there at downtown right before the UTEP entrance.
I love El Paso, but things like this dont make sense...and considering our collective property taxes pay for it and the bonds sold to build it enrich our local already wealthy families (and some out of city construction companies ....cough cough SISD firing teachers for a deficit).
I just wish that funds were spent more prudently than on wishful ideas that dont serve the entire populous (...downtown trolley...EP scammed out 3mil phishing and no one held accountable).
*To address some opinions: Not against improving EP, not against QofL improvements for future gen, not proposing anything, not against job creation; just saying of ALL the ideas we could come up with....say it out loud to yourself..."EL Paso needs a park built above I10 downtown" sounds like a weird idea for the cost/time itll take to build it which could probably be used for something better.