Maybe switching to Effexor?

I’ve been on a frustrating trial of several medications to try and get a grip on my anxiety since March. I started at 10mg of Celexa, very small dose so unsurprisingly no change. Then 20 mg, but my anxiety continued to climb and I was having severe panic attacks daily. So we switched to Lexapro 20mg and added Hydroxizine. It was effective for my panic attacks but knocked me out for a whole day after and I couldn’t handle it anymore. So then we tried Propranolol, which I’m just incredibly sensitive to and couldn’t take the lightheadedness. So now I’m on Lexapro and Buspar, which is ok, but the anxiety is still a daily challenge. I’m in therapy and working out 5x a week and trying to do all the self care things on top of it but I just still don’t feel like I’m where I want to be. I’ve done Zoloft in the past but had bad sexual side effects so I’m not interested in giving that one a try again. My psychiatrist recommended considering Effexor but I’m nervous about trying yet another new med. It’s been such a freaking roller coaster of all these different meds. Has anyone used Effexor after multiple “failed” meds and had success? I’m mostly nervous about the horror stories about tapering off, but to be honest, I also probably won’t even be trying to taper (if it works for me) for a long time with how my anxiety is.