Pregnancy after Ectopic- I’m terrified.

To start at the beginning, about a year or so ago, I found out I was pregnant. I was beyond excited, maybe too excited that I told some family and friends the news right away. Everything was going okay, then a day or so later I began to have severe cramping. Slight spotting, and a lot of pain trying to use the washroom. I immediately went to the hospital, explained my symptoms, and had an emergency ultrasound andblood work. Turns out it was ectopic. We got it SUPER early that I got the methotrexate shot, and it worked right away. I was devastated, cried non-stop, and had to tell my family and friends the news. I barely left bed and was left feeling traumatized and depressed. Over that year, we tried and tried with no luck to get pregnant again, to the point where I said, “F*ck it, clearly it’s not meant to be.”

Fast forward to now, I just found out I’m 5 weeks pregnant. I’m beyond excited but scared. I haven’t had blood work or my ultrasound done yet. I also haven’t experienced any of the symptoms I had previously with an ectopic, so I’m feeling very hopeful this time. Oh, and I got too overly excited again and told family and friends because clearly I can’t keep a secret to save my life, ugh.

I guess I’m wondering if anyone has advice? Similar experiences where you have had an ectopic pregnancy and the second pregnancy was okay? I can’t get in to have an ultrasound until March. I’m stressing and Googling WAY too much.

—a desperate woman that wants to be a mom. ❤️