🗾 Near East Coast Of Honshu, Japan: 地震 - Earthquake (M4- estimated, at 06:40 UTC)
🗾 地震! Earthquake! 3.8 M, 2025-03-15 06:40:34 UTC (daytime) on land, Hitachi-Naka, Ibaraki, Japan (36.4, 140.6), ↓66 km likely felt 100 km away (in 水戸市, ひたちなか市, 日立市, 那珂市, 常陸太田市…) by 6.1 million people with maximum intensity Shindo 2 (localhost:2221)
❗ 地震警報 / EARTHQUAKE WARNING for Near East Coast Of Honshu, Japan (地震 reported near Funaishikawa?) (localhost:2221)