What's your favorite way to win?
I've been tinkering with my decks, as one does, and it got me thinking about how I like to win the game versus how I observe other players I see often tend to go about it.
Some people are always trying to combo, others like to suit up their voltron commander, or go wide, or build some value engine to overwhelm the table. Personally I find that my gameplan tends to revolve around rendering my opponents defenseless so I can kill them while they're helpless.
It's just the way my brain works to focus first on how I can stop my opponents from doing their thing or defending themselves from me, and only then worry about actually killing them. I have gotten pretty good at disrupting others, but the pitfall is that I devote so much space in my decks to shutting opponents down that once I do, if I can't get my hands on one of my finishers, my deck just kind of fizzles and when my opponents recover they invariably murder me. I'm trying to adjust my decks to focus a little more on going over the top to be more consistent, but I still hold to the same general gameplan.
So what's your favorite/default way to go about winning the game?