it's very costly to die here! Be aware.

Rant alert!

Guys, let me tell you something: it is crazy expensive to die here! You know why?

Because crossing a road could cost you everything! If you’re driving, it’s expensive.

If you’re walking, it’s even more expensive. Just the other day, I was driving , and out of nowhere, someone started crossed the road right at a turn, I have around 80, It was night, barely lit, and by some miracle, and reflex I saw hi. and swerved.

But seriously, this could have been a disaster.

When your are Pedestrian. please use the crosswalk! Please please

Jaywalking is not only dangerous but can cost you your life.

And drivers, remember: road rage and carelessness are not worth the consequences.

Life is precious, and we live in an amazing city.

Be safe, be mindful, and respect the road rules.

It’s not just about you—it’s about everyone’s safety. Let’s keep our roads safe, people!

Rant over!