schizophrenic 2g mushroom live trip report

I am really excited for this trip, I haven't tripped on mushrooms for a full year now--only psychedelic consumed in this period was Salvia--I am looking for a break from my reality. I am so overwhelmed with everything so hopefully this helps me let go.

I know thats like the opposite of what mushrooms do but fuck it, if I'm gonna hallucinate while sober, might as well make it fun by adding psychedelia onto it.

9:49 PM - dosed 2g of mushrooms

10:06 - I feel VERY SLIGHTLY dissociated, im gonna load up a bowl.

10:51 - bruh i forgot about the reddit post but its going crazy and well but crazy and well i dont know its all over the place but ya know its only just been an hour damn bro i am very dissociated and kinda just experiencing my eyes type from my appearaing lifeless ody

10:56 - just a weird dissociated what the fuck is happening ooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh kinda body high

10:58 P.M. - My toes Feel Warm. :)

12:09 im completely dissociated no absolute fucking idea what’s going on i’m somehow barely able to type at this current moment before the voices invade again and start just dragging my attention into stupid dumb shit

but it’s really just sad man i’ll never get to experience what a proper mushroom trip is like :(

12:11 lmao i dropped my foot and it had high pitched kicks snares and caps