You cant properly dose shrooms
To start this off I just want to say that in my experience, shrooms are completely unpredictable. What I am saying is that the amount of grams you do will never be able to determine what you are getting into. To explain this deeper. I myself have taken heroic doses of shrooms, twice. One at 7g and the other at 5g. I thought both of these trips were very interesting and visually profound but I never saw what was coming next. Around 1-2 months after one of these trips, I bought an ounce of these shrooms with the strain being named “Yeti”. It is a mix between Albino A+ and Golden teachers also known as the “True albino teacher”. When I ended up getting the shrooms, it was a Monday night and I had school the next day. With my experience with shrooms and high doses I thought, “ 2g of this stuff shouldn’t be too strong”. BOY WAS I WRONG. I was outside smoking weed and then went inside and took the 2g of shrooms. I was not expecting too much of a trip because at this point I was taking 3.5g+ every time I would trip to get desired effects. Around 20-30 mins after ingesting I felt a VERY strong come up like nothing before and was hit with what usually would’ve felt like the “peak”, but I realized it was too early for that. The shrooms kept on hitting and hitting and eventually I was completely drowned in visuals. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! I had the Amazon fire stick screen saver playing, displaying lots of magnificent pictures of nature and the shrooms added all these crazy designs and patterns. Overall the trip was by far my most visual profound trip and it really opened up my mind. But like I said shroom dosing is completely unpredictable. 2G of this shit I got had me tripping harder than both of my heroic doses. So anybody looking to try shrooms. Tread carefully.
TLDR: The amount of grams you do will never determine how strong ur trip will be and it is completely unpredictable. 2g of said shrooms can hit harder then 7g of other shrooms. All shrooms contain varying psilocybin amounts and how much grams you take doesn’t matter.