Accidental Candyflip trip report. Worst experience of my life.

Hello reddit, this will be my first post. I really need to talk about what just happened to me but I just can't tell my family. I will do my best to be brief.

I've been having a though month, got fired from a job that I really liked, so I wanted to rest for a couple of weeks before getting another one.

This monday I planned to trip on LSD and weed edibles, just a relaxing night with videogames, music, comics and more weed, all by myself. I took the first dose around 4:00 pm, ingested the geltab and the weed edibles with my afternoon meal, because I do not like to feel hunger during an LSD trip (it makes me feel anxious). However sometimes weed edibles make me doze off and for just a couple of minutes I kinda fell asleep during the come up.

Anyway, a couple of hours pass and by 10:15 pm and I didn't feel any effects from the LSD tab, I believed that sleeping, even if it was for just a couple of minutes, fucked up my trip. I was feeling frustrated because the trip that I had planned all week just wasn't happening, but then remembered that I had some MDMA, "Why not?" I thought. Had friends that have taken it in the past and I also saw some YouTube videos about harm reduction regarding this drug, however, this was my first Molly trip, never tried the substance before, but went on and took my very first Molly pill around 10:30 pm.

I started watching a movie and 1 hour later or so, at 11:30 pm the effects started to kick in. It wasn't the same as LSD but I liked how it felt: Tingly, time passing by extremely slowly and me feeling happy and high. I went to my room and put on some music, finally feeling like I got the trip I wanted. Turned on my PS4 and played a little bit of Elden Ring, I also started fantasazing about a book I'm working on but mostly I was just laying down on my bed and listening to my Spotify playlist, and that went on for a couple of hours.

Then about 3:30 am or maybe 4:00 am I started to feel my heart beating very fast. I tried to not mind, I knew that Molly accelerates your heartbeat and that is a normal experience but somehow I started to get really anxious and scared. I just never felt my heart going that fast, and it just got worse. My heart just wasn't slowing down and I was just getting more and more escared. I got out of my room, hyperventilating, feeling anxious and with a a heartbeat that I just couldn't control. I really thought that I was having a heart attack and that I was going to die, I wanted to wake up my family and tell they to call an ambulance, but I felt ashamed so I preferred to just sit down in my living room in complete darkness for I don't know how long.

Then about 6:00 am my sister woke up and saw me there sitting on the couch, I tried to act as normal as I could but I was in a complete state of anxiety. I returned to my bedroom and tried to lie down and calm myself but then noticed that I had some visuals, like the ones you get from acid. That'ts right, the LSD apparently worked and now I was experiencing the aftermath of a traumatic experience on FKN acid.

That whole next day was horrible, I was still tripping balls but my mind was in shock, I even had a second episode of tachycardia, severaI hours passed but the affects of the acid were still strong and it lasted almost all day, I was scared of feeling my heartbeat and belived that if I went to sleep my heart would stop.

But thankfully, I was able to sleep. It has been a couple of days since then but I still feel kinda funny, I think I even got sick and now I'm in the process of recovering from a MDMA badtrip while also having a fever.

Please other psychonauts and Molly users, tell me some tips to get through this traumatic episode. I am genually thinking of going tomorrow to the hospital to check if my heart is okay. Not to mention that my mental state is in bad shape: Still feel a little bit of anxiety and also the effects of the serotonin receptors recovering from this shit. I know that this feeling is going to go away eventually but god I feel like a fucking idiot for putting myself at risk.