Dream Predicting The Future
I think it was last weekend when I had a dream where I ruined my phone by dropping it in the toilet, then, instead of putting it in rice or accepting that I needed to get a new phone, I tried to clean it off with more water because I was so repulsed it had fallen in the toilet. I don't know why dream me decided to do this, but it's something real life me would never do. (Because I'm not an IDIOT) I remember waking up from the dream and thinking, "Oh wow, good thing that wasn't real." because obviously I don't want my phone to break. Nobody wants their phone to break! Here's the weird part. This very week my phone started acting up, and now I have to get a replacement. WTF?!?! This has never happened to me before. My dad said that I must have some sort of insane manifesting ability and that I need to watch the way I think. So now I'm paranoid about the way I think! It's not like I was thinking of my phone breaking before I had the dream! I don't think I was! I'm sorta freaked out. Is there a deeper meaning to this? Does anyone know what this could possibly mean????
- Lainey :)