Why do people act like you cannot enjoy Daima just because its not flawless?

I see this loud minority in the subreddit who are constantly mad and also a bit sad that Daima at the end did not clarify certain things about the SSJ4 transformation, like could Goku access it at will ? What did he mean by saying ''He wasn't sure it would work'', can he stilll use it? Why not just a simpler explanation or dialogue choice ETC. All valid questions.

However, why is it so hard for Dragon Ball fans to accept that most of us can simply acknowledge that issues, and still enjoy the other elements of the show? Why do people resort to insults, or call it turning your brain off? Is understanding such a simple thing so difficult? We have brains, we get it, doesn't mean it has to stain the rest of the experience.

This blind hatred for anyone who enjoyed the majority of Daima, just because you guys did not is just toxic and angry behavior that leads nowhere. You hated the show? Fine make a thread, let it out, its valid but carrying that hate afterwards to other threads, attacking people because of it and just branding anyone who does not share your thoughts on the show ''Dumb, blind fans, brain off fans, low iq fans etc'' is just a toxic thing to do.

I enjoyed the throwback to Original Dragon Ball, I loved the fact that we got proper animation in a Dragon Ball TV series for the first time in the modern era, I love the way Toriyama swerved expectations with Majin Kuu and handled him, I loved the hype moments and homage to SSJ3. The interactions between Bulma and Vegeta, Glorio being influenced by Goku, I love how unexpectedly problematic Gomah was yet how simple the key to beating him was. The lack of clarification about SSJ4 does not take any of that away.