This guy is far healthier than Beast Gohan. No debate.
I’m sorry but if you think otherwise, you’re just wrong. Beast Gohan has a lock in snipe, a green card that guarantees a hard hitting blue 3 times, a rising rush/ultimate counter gauge that deals MASSIVE damage back, and a AOE damage ultimate. Not to mention he still helps infinite combo keep up combos with his guaranteed cards. Cell keeps this bozo in check with his “no special cover changing” on ultimate which literally shouldn’t matter to any other unit accept beast so. And the permanent endure null is basically a NECESSITY a this point with annoying ass characters like gotenks and Majin Vegeta (him especially) who take years just to chip down the endurance of only to regain their full health bar post endurance. So this helps keep matches from going to timer. His literal only broken mechanic is break blasts, and even then this helps keep matches from having losers who wait with AOE greens, blue cards, or ultimates for you to use a blast art to snipe you. And even then, Majin Vegeta, UG4, and Rathan all NULLIFY blast arts, so they aren’t even affected. He also only has one source of cover null (10 counts on entry) and doesn’t have the easiest access to double card draw speed. But PLEASE, if you have an actual good argument, tell me.
I’m sorry but if you think otherwise, you’re just wrong. Beast Gohan has a lock in snipe, a green card that guarantees a hard hitting blue 3 times, a rising rush/ultimate counter gauge that deals MASSIVE damage back, and a AOE damage ultimate. Not to mention he still helps infinite combo keep up combos with his guaranteed cards. Cell keeps this bozo in check with his “no special cover changing” on ultimate which literally shouldn’t matter to any other unit accept beast so. And the permanent endure null is basically a NECESSITY a this point with annoying ass characters like gotenks and Majin Vegeta (him especially) who take years just to chip down the endurance of only to regain their full health bar post endurance. So this helps keep matches from going to timer. His literal only broken mechanic is break blasts, and even then this helps keep matches from having losers who wait with AOE greens, blue cards, or ultimates for you to use a blast art to snipe you. And even then, Majin Vegeta, UG4, and Rathan all NULLIFY blast arts, so they aren’t even affected. He also only has one source of cover null (10 counts on entry) and doesn’t have the easiest access to double card draw speed. But PLEASE, if you have an actual good argument, tell me.