End game

I hope that at some point that neva teaches dende how to pull the dragonballs back to him, and to reawaken them. It would be a nice touch for dense to get an upgrade in skills. Bit can only use these new powers in an emergency.


I had a thought, what of the demon world dragon balls had 2 wishes. First wish will be to turn everyone back to normal, but the second wish could be to bring back to life the trees the kais use . Thiscway they are not dieing out. Further more, this will be a great moment to see another connection to super. As we get to see zamasu for a frame or too, in some way.

I hope that at some point that neva teaches dende how to pull the dragonballs back to him, and to reawaken them. It would be a nice touch for dense to get an upgrade in skills. Bit can only use these new powers in an emergency.


I had a thought, what of the demon world dragon balls had 2 wishes. First wish will be to turn everyone back to normal, but the second wish could be to bring back to life the trees the kais use . Thiscway they are not dieing out. Further more, this will be a great moment to see another connection to super. As we get to see zamasu for a frame or too, in some way.